Monday, February 18, 2008

Orvieto, Italy: Part One - The Duomo

The Duomo in Orvieto, Italy, houses some magnificent works of art from talented artists such as Fra Angelico. Its biggest claim to fame in the Catholic world, however, lies in the fact that it houses the Eucharistic miracle of Orvieto.

Apparently a priest was doubting the True Presence during the Consecration and the Host bled. The corporal is preserved in the Blessed Sacrament chapel above the Tabernacle. A year later, the Pope instituted the feast of Corpus Christi.

Here is a photo of the corporal as found in the cathedral:

Another very impressive sight within the Duomo of Orvieto is the Chapel which hosts the famous frescos of the Last Judgement and a work done by Fra Angelico. To get into that chapel, one must pay a fee of about 5 euro at the time of writing which also gives a person admission to the museum connected to the church outside.

I did not go to the museum as I didn't have the time so I can't comment on what was in there. I must say that the Last Judgement is truly a massive and moving piece of art and something that shouldn't be missed.

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